Here is a list of San Clemente real estate and active homes for sale. The properties are sorted by days on the market, showing the newest listings at the beginning. If you would like to narrow down your your criteria, please use the search below. For more information about local San Clemente real estate for sale or want to schedule a showing of any home, please contact us.
San Clemente Listings
San Clemente Real Estate
This page is constantly changing and updating with new property listings and price changes. Be sure to come back to track the latest real estate inventory. If you would like us to setup a custom San Clemente home search for you or send real estate listings as soon as they come on the market please contact us.
We are San Clemente real estate specialists that are Locally Owned & Operated since 1983! We have sold many homes in San Clemente throughout the years. To learn more, contact one of our San Clemente Realtors and they can assist in finding you the ideal home.
San Clemente is located South of Dana Point and is well known for it’s beaches and surf community.